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A sinister cephalopod decked out in surgical attire certainly qualifies as one of the stranger images to snorkel through my retinas this week, and when accompanied by one of this year’s most galvanising and joyous math rock releases thus far, you have a recipe for manic delight. The pleasure is truly ours at Everything Is Noise, to premiere the head-shaking music video for Last Hyena‘s “Doctorpus” today.

The Bristol triad of Josh Clowes, Max Mees, and Rory Mapes make up one of the UK’s most malleable young bands, and this latest track is a many-limbed creature of distinct protuberances. The complexions of intricate, off-kilter mathy cadences interlock with moments of intoxicating post-rock texture to create an overflowing eco-system of post-math verve.

Directed by fellow Bristolians Phoxjaw, the visual rendering of such an eccentric character as a conniving Octopus surgeon is every bit as witty and energetic as its sonic foundation. Hyena describe themselves as ‘Bristol boys doing proggy math tunes with a big old smile’, and by the end of this video, you’ll find that their smile is utterly infectious.

After signing with Stereobrain Records, the trio are set to release their debut album How Soon Is Mars on April 30th of this year which you can pre-order via their Bandcamp. If you haven’t already, I highly recommend checking out the band’s previous releases and follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Happiness is in high demand at the moment, and this band has bags of it.

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