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If there’s one thing that we love around here it’s forward-thinking artists that march to the beat of their own drum. Pamplemousse have been around for a few years now and after a bit of a personnel shakeup they went into the studio in 2022 to record their most bombastic effort yet. The result is Think Of It out on March 17th, 2023 on A Tant Rêver Du Roi Records. Mixing a variety of grunge, garage rock, and psychedelic ideas into one swirling maelstrom of energy, Pamplemousse have a strong punk aesthetic running through their veins. From the high-energy music to the DIY mentality of the band’s recording and design process, each facet of this new album is a feather in the cap of the band that created it.

Today we have the joy of presenting you with the first single from their upcoming record and it’s a doozy. “I’m Not Dietsch” is a groove-laden track that is loaded with energy, smooth chord shifts, and excellent performances on every instrument. With a sub-three-minute timeline, it doesn’t waste a second of it and quickly creates a variety of memorable moments and hooks and is the perfect microcosm of the band’s ethos and their new album as a whole. Check out the brand-new song below and get washed away in its frenetic energy.

That’s one catchy song! Pamplemousse have made quite the album, trust me I may have already heard the whole thing. Each song on Think Of It is packed with great ideas and pulls from a variety of genres and moods, there’s something here for anyone who is up for a great trip through dizzying headspaces as well as comforting melodies.

Be sure to check out the band on Facebook and keep an eye on their Bandcamp and label website for news and pre-order links for the new album!

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