We here at Everything Is Noise are incredibly excited to bring you this premiere from Like Lovers today. The new solo project from Jan Kerscher has reached sudden emergence with his introspective and mature take on pop music, presenting an uncomfortable truth one cannot shake upon listening that keeps you coming back for more.
“People Shaped Mirrors” is the second new single from Like Lovers, the follow-up to the well-received “Fall” which dropped a couple months back. Kerscher is building a reputation steadily for this project, slowly marching towards the debut full-length on September 6.
Sporting a beautiful piano melody and piercing synth notes, interwoven with Kerscher’s layering of distorted vocals and organic percussion, “People Shaped Mirrors” is an infectious track, and definitely a reason to check out Like Lovers if you have not yet! It is shaping to be one of my favorite tracks of the year, and as a huge indie pop fan, I cannot wait for the full debut to drop.
If you are not familiar with the name Jan Kerscher, I strongly recommend you to do some homework on the multi-faceted producer. He is the owner of Ghost City Recordings and is a well-known producer by many acts. His studio is responsible for the absolutely superb Ghost City Recordings project, which if you are unfamiliar with, you should look up on YouTube for sure.
Aside from being an incredibly talented producer, Kerscher is showing his own musical talent once again by tackling just about everything around Like Lovers by himself. He has written and recorded almost all the instruments single-handedly, and even shot the absolutely beautiful video for “People Shaped Mirrors” by himself. Such eclectic talent shows in the music he records, which has as much energy as it has tenderness. This is certainly something I recommend just about everyone to check out!
You can stream “People Shaped Mirrors” and pre-order Like Lovers‘ debut full length Everything All The Time Forever now before it comes out on September 9. Be sure to follow the project on Facebook as well for any future updates!