Even if you don’t believe in such things, the good ol’ Monday blues has a tendency to manifest into one’s life in one form or the other, and there’s various ways to how to cope with it. Sometimes you just need something nasty and pulverizing shoved down your earholes to wipe off the remnants of the weekend and get a proper start to a new week of whatever it is that your life revolves around, and our missive today is to deliver something exactly like that to your figurative door step.
Baratro is a Milan-based sludgy noise rock trio whose debut full-length The Sweet Smell of Unrest was released via Improved Sequence Records last year on February 2, and today we’re bringing you the video for the song “Pay Dirt” off of the record. View the two-minute doozy from below and follow through for some further ramblings with me;
Featuring the former Unsane bassist Dave Curran on bass and vocals, alongside Federico Bonuccelli (Council of Rats) on guitar and Luca Antonozzi (Marnero) on drums, Baratro have been crafting The Sweet Smell of Unrest for a few years, the end result being quite a massive endeavour flourishing on the richest, most pervasive fields of noise rock in general. “Pay Dirt” is a hard-hitting and no-questions-asked cut lifted from the album, perfectly encapsulating the certain hues of ravage savagery the band has made most of their colour palette to be. If you’re anything like me, it probably only took a few seconds after hitting play above to discover yourself with a shitty grin and nodding your head in agreement of the band’s massive and crooked grooves.
While the video above doesn’t offer too much of a narrative to elaborate on, it does showcase Baratro in flesh and at least left me in yearning to be able to catch them live, as I have an inkling that their brand of sound doesn’t exactly get weaker in a live setting and thousandfold sound system. The howling low end paired with percussive yet tortuous rhythms is just something so damn fine to indulge with, and the best bit is that neither I nor you have to settle for just this one track, as the entirety of The Sweet Smell of Unrest is out by now, alongside a previous EP you shouldn’t overlook either.
If you dug the above, you can luckily continue directly to the entirety of the album over here. Be sure to follow the act on Facebook and Instagram as well, for you sure as hell don’t want to miss out on anything concerning them.
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