We’re already halfway through 2021 and I am sure that your music backlog is chockful of albums to check out. There is seemingly never enough time to listen to everything out there yet the releases continue to pile up. The way that I am overwhelmed with new music, yet continue to listen to new stuff makes me feel as if I am in a food coma and yet I continue to slam food into my mouth as if I was starving. If you’re feeling as if you’re in a music-coma, you’re about to be force fed even more new tunes as we have an Everything Is Noise exclusive album stream for you! Hailing from Norway, I am excited that we’re once again working with Duvel!

This group is an underground post-punk band with ’90s Britpop influence and they’ll be releasing their self-titled album on July 2 via Fysisk Format. This is a young band that shows an insane amount of potential with their DIY/punk attitude mixed into their dreamy, charming style of music. If you want a euphoric listen to some pleasant, vibey tunes, you’ve most certainly come to the right place. This group is very early into their musical career, yet based on how this music sounds, it is as if they have many albums under their belt.

Right from the get-go with “Church Bells”, Duvel makes it clear you’re in for a fun ride with massive, anthemic choruses and luscious supporting instrumentation. At its core, Duvel is a Britpop record but with plenty of post-punk/shoegaze influence that creates such a warm and inviting musical atmosphere. The vocals are incredibly well done and fit the music perfectly with how sassy and passionate they’re executed. You won’t even be fully through a track and you’ll already have it stuck in your head; that was the case with me while listening to “Church Bells” and “All Out On You” for example. The latter’s chorus embellished with those twinkling keys only elevates this track to an entirely different level of enjoyment. These choruses on Duvel are something as I cannot help myself be completely enchanted by them.

There are plenty of moments where the band unhinges and lets their post-punk roots come to the forefront, like in the bridge/outro to “Hong Kong Sex Toy Store” and on “Eels”. You don’t hear it too often throughout the album but it is certainly there. Not a single element or style that Duvel blends into their songs feels forced nor overstay their welcome either. All these tracks are bite-sized and easily digestible, aimed at getting the listener hooked on the first listen, as it most certainly did to me. I will guarantee you that its upbeat nature is sure to put a smile on your face and give you the motivation you need to carry on for the rest of the day!

Well, what are you waiting for? Duvel‘s debut album releases on July 2 and Everything Is Noise is providing you the hook up right here, right now. Duvel is incredibly short and sweet so it’ll fly by! I will warn you though, this is an album you’ll find yourself wanting more of so you can count on yourself to come back and listen to this more than just once. After you’re done indulging yourself in these sweet, charming tunes, be sure to give them a digital thumbs up and a follow on their Facebook and pre-order the album on Bandcamp!

Photos by Emil Vestre

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