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Angela Kinczly‘s inspiration for S I L E N T was based around the meditation in which silence brings and the ever talented Emily Dickinson. ‘Find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough‘, and it is with great joy and privilege that Everything Is Noise premieres the music video “Silent” from the exceptional Angela Kinczly. The premiering title track comes from the album S I L E N T which became widely available today, June 14, 2019.

“Silent” is not your typical first single to choose when releasing an album. It is quiet, sombre, and allows the listener to find the still regions of one’s mind. Angela Kinczly spoke of the track stating, ‘Since the beginning, I felt this song to be the key to the whole making of this album, and the images were fast coming to my inner eye representing the movements of the mind when we are silent and motionless, not driven by intention at all.’ As you’ll see, the video reflects this sentiment by using a high contrast, black and white filter throughout.

The video follows the innermost worlds of the two protagonists in question, Emily Dickinson and of course Angela Kinczly. Every element placed throughout the video has deeper meaning connecting to the poem and the themes present. The restoration of colour at the end of the video symbolises the soul finding a serene and renewed enlightenment’ director Paolo Fassoli explains. Overall, a beautiful video for a beautiful song.

The lyrics from S I L E N T all stem from the poems and workings of Emily Dickinson which give this album an elevated understanding of true beauty and expression. The music overall combines folk elements and electronic synthesised elements with a heavy dose of reverb. Each songs gives way for heavy self reflection from both the artist and the listener. Stand out tracks for me would have to be “If True”, “Mystic Green”, and “The Proudest Tree”. The quiet, expressive S I L E N T will be revisiting my ears quite often I think.

For more of Angela Kinczly be sure to check out her Spotify page as well as her WebsiteFacebook, and Instagram for more detailed information about upcoming tours. S I L E N T is out worldwide starting today (June 14, 2019) through Ritmo & Blu Records

‘The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience.’ – Emily Dickinson

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