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Fans of new music rejoice, for we have an amazing full album stream for you today! As is tradition for Everything Is Noise, we like to present people with some really great tunes and so, of course, today is no exception. Coming all the way from Poland, our newest addition to the premiere club is Taraban. These psychedelic fuzz rock guys are letting us hear their upcoming album a bit early. The record in question is titled How The East Was Lost and is out officially on November 22, 2019.

Speaking a bit on the album, the band offers: ‘It’s about the eastern state of mind, the epic struggle it brings and the romantic side of being born to lose’. Taraban play some psychedelic stoner rock and if you’re like me, you’re a bit tired of this genre. Seems like there is a bit too much of the same out there, but believe me when I tell you that How The East Was Lost is definitive breath of fresh air. Taraban aren’t afraid of nuance and are definitely not scared of removing the fuzz from the guitars and letting them ring clean.

We did our thing, our way and it’s a great feeling to be able to finally share it in the sacred form of a heavy, black disc. It contains a journey, a turbulent venture into the realm of each other’s expectations and needs. We pulled through. Now we sell tickets to the show. Listen to our story, about how the East was lost and how we lived to tell the tale.’

With all of that said, let’s finally get to some killer tracks. Everything Is Noise proudly presents: TarabanHow The East Was Lost!

If I haven’t made it clear yet, I really enjoyed How The East Was Lost. The stand out tracks for me were “Last Laugh”, “White Lies”, and “Liberty Fraternity Eternity”. As I mentioned earlier, Taraban have a ton of nuance throughout the tracklist and they bring a lot of character. This all really helps them stand out in the endless desert of similarities, which a lot of other bands in the realm of music seem to forget.

The album starts off with the track “Last Laugh” and funnily enough it begins with some creepy laughter following some mellow guitar riffs until the fuzz kicks in. From here we get a nice tasty gain-filled jam session reminiscent of classic Black Sabbath. But things get more interesting when the vocals come out to play because now we here a bit of Soundgarden inspiration. Taraban closes off the opening track with a lengthy psychedelic guitar solo while the bass and drum rock out. “Last Laugh” is an incredible way to open up a great album, and should definitely make you want to hear more of Taraban!

As always, follow Taraban at all of the socials on the internets: Facebook, Bandcamp, and Instagram. You can buy the How The East Was Lost on Bandcamp and get it on all streaming platforms here on November 22, 2019.

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