Daufødt are a rising presence within the Norwegian rock scene. The band’s focus is ‘about both musical and physical transgression: a Daufødt show is a violent release of decibels and energy, while the music is all about tearing down both physical and figurative constructions.’ Upon first checking them out they immediately reminded me of an even more experimental rock and noise focused Kvelertak. Their songs span from radio-friendly hits, minute-long punk songs, to nine-minute-long noise behemoths. Evidence of a band in constant evolution. Daufødt’s style comes from mixing catchier rock references and extreme noise elements resulting in a punchier and more direct sound. Today we’re premiering the brand new single “Toxic” from their upcoming album Glitter.
Perhaps the core strength of noise rock is unpredictability. The first two thirds of “Toxic” is a pretty mellow rock song you could definitely nod along to. It has a driving beat with an infectious bass line, definitely a solid jam. But it’s toward the end that the magic hits. There’s this switch up as the guitar riff kind of repeats a few extra times. Past the point it should have returned back to the same old groove. Instead like a skipping record the guitar stretches out almost uncomfortably so. Then the drum tempo violently shifts to a d-beat hardcore affair that smashes its way to a frenetic conclusion. It’s dramatic and attention grabbing.
Vocalist Annika Linn Verdal Homme reveals the lyrical content behind the song: ‘“Toxic” is about being around narcissistic shitheads who think they can do whatever they want and get away with it. In contrast to Britney Spears‘ “Toxic”, Daufødt doesn’t support these ways of being. It definitely doesn’t taste like paradise as they drink their own poison.’
Daufødt‘s third studio album Glitter is out Friday, September 13th on Fysisk Format. Glitter not as in glitz and glam, but like something that doesn’t go away, that sticks in your head. A catchy little worm that wiggles its way into your brain. ‘Glitter is the sound of being hit by a brick, but in a way that makes you look forward to the next blow.’
Be sure to follow Daufødt on Facebook, Instagram, and Bandcamp.