Clear your mind and let’s have your undivided attention because this week’s premiere will require you to focus and get into the zone. Today we have a live video from the ever talented Anthony Laguerre who somehow takes a drum kit, hooks it up to some effects, and gives us a full three-act movement. Anthony Laguerre is a improvisational composer who does things a bit differently by using sound engineering through his drum kit to create some dynamic pieces of music and art.
When listening to the live video below, you will experience sensitivity, softness, and power throughout the session. Sit down, get comfy because Everything Is Noise introduces to you the Myotis live video from the Musique Action Festival 2019 which was shot and directed by Vincent Tournaud.
If you’re like me, then the first thing you noticed is how focused and how into the music Anthony Laguerre is. The second is the sort of DIY vibe the video has, especially at the beginning when the camera seems to be not spending much time of the actual performance. To me this feels intentional and it doesn’t give the audience much until the song really starts to feel powerful. From then on, there is a tremendous focus on Anthony and his intensity because it’s not something you want to look away from.
Anthony Laguerre released his album Myotis back in May of this year through Vand’Oeuvre which contains seven tracks all named by the corresponding roman numeral. The live session shown above seems to be in the same vein of the record, just done in a compressed form. “Myotis”, the live track, is a nice way to dip one’s toes into this free approach towards music. The album showcases the harmonica much more frequently which is a treat because the engineering and his approach to the sounds created with the instrument is brilliant.
If you liked what you heard be sure to check out his album Myotis at his Bandcamp. You can also follow Anthony Laguerre at his website and his Facebook. Also, if you’re interested, you can find the label website here.