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It’s been a very long time! In 2010, the American progressive rock/post-hardcore group Tides Of Man released their record Dreamhouse. Tilian Pearson on vocals made the band’s sound for many of their fans, but after the release he left the band, leaving them to go instrumental. The best decision they could’ve made! Pearson teamed up with Dance Gavin Dance as their second singer and found his new profession there, while Tides Of Man released one of my favourite records of 2014, Young & Courageous.

Young & Courageous formed a totally new sound for Tides Of Man. The instrumentals developed way more into a narrative post-rock direction, where vocals are not needed at all. Since its release, this record left me waiting for more instrumental music by the band. Which we will finally get this year! As announced, their new record Every Nothing will be out on August 3rd via Tragic Hero.

This announcement came with a new song called “Static Hymn”:

The song starts with a very ambient sound that keeps on going where Young & Courageous left off. In the following, it becomes very dreamy and soft, while the bass tingles the recipient’s stomach a little bit. Tides Of Man sound warm and bright, delivering a groovy post-rock tune in their very own new-found style. As soon as the slightly distorted guitars come, in the atmosphere tends into a even more washy experience, before diving back into in heavy-hitting chord work. Those climaxes are what the band established on their latest record and what’s so great about their music.

Tides Of Man manage to build up an ambiance and drive it home with melodic chord work that truly touches one’s feelings. Vocals are not needed anymore, as the music speaks for itself. This song is something to daydream to, and only a little teaser of what’s coming up. Hell yeah, I’m so ready for it!

Make sure to get your hands on this new record! You can pre-order it here. Also, follow Tides Of Man on Facebook!

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