Gnaw Their Tongues will drag you down to the murkiest and most twisted nooks of human existence on I speak the truth, yet with every word uttered, thousands die.
Release date: April 3, 2020 | Consouling Sounds | Facebook | Bandcamp | Official Site
Gnaw Their Tongues has held a significant place in my psyche ever since some years back I discovered the albums Abyss of Longing Throats and N.V., the latter of which is a collaboration with UK’s Dragged Into Sunlight. Prior to stumbling across these highly abrasive creations of blackened noise fixated on the darkest aspects of human existence, I honestly wouldn’t have believed such an evil and cacophonous, albeit carefully designed, entity as Gnaw Their Tongues would spark my interest on fire as holistically as it did. Bordering on being unlistenable at times, the act’s albums are traumatic, methodically hurtful journeys deep into the inner darkness of its creator, as well as into that of your own. I speak the truth, yet with every word uttered, thousands die is by no means an exception to that, nor should it be.
The last track “shall be no more” resonates a meaning I personally wish wouldn’t be true, but what I still relate to, and sympathize with. Gnaw Their Tongues isn’t the kind of music you enjoy, but rather something you suffer through. And to avoid any misunderstandings, that isn’t a bad thing at all, but it’s not a good thing either. What I mean is, that this individual’s internal terror has reached a plane of existence where you don’t need to express any feelings verbally or through writing. And to end this before I dig the famous hole any deeper; if this indeed turns out to be the last, entire album Gnaw Their Tongues will release, at least it’s going out with one hell of a scathing, excruciating, insane, and by all accounts superior, thunderous bang. And I’m fine with it.
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