Monolithic black metallers Darkspace have re-emerged from the event horizon, this time with a brand new tour, titled ‘Expanding The Void’. As stated in the initial announcement, this will be a rare opportunity to see the band live. These enigmatic musicians have only ever played the occasional one-off show in the past, and have most certainly never toured. Venues are already selling out, so if you’re a fan and you’re in the neighborhood, act quick!
In keeping with their ominous persona, the members of Darkspace have kept much of themselves shrouded in mystery; their music is truly reflective of this. Darkspace‘s metal is blackest of black, carried forth by a swathe of entrancing futuristic synths. Plus, every song in their timeline is titled “Dark”, with the only distinction from one heavy symphonic movement to the next being a neat system of numerical coding, carried consistently across each album. Their music is very hard to contextualize, but very easy to get lost in.
So what can we expect from them live? It will most likely be a meticulous re-arrangement of selected works, or possibly a whole album or two played back-to-back. But even more exciting than this is the prospect of getting to witness some brand new material. Their last album, Darkspace III I was released back in 2014, so a five year gap may have borne a whole new Darkspace chapter. We shall soon see!
Tour dates and venues are listed below:
02.03. In Theatrum Denonium – Acte IV, 2019 – SOLD OUT – Denain – FR
03.03. Baroeg Rotterdam – Rotterdam – NL
04.03. Bambi galore – Hamburg – DE
05.03. turock – disco, live-club and lounge – Essen – DE
06.03. MS Connexion Complex – Mannheim – DE
07.03. Willemeen – Arnhem – NL
09.03. A Thousand Lost Civilizations – Brussels – SOLD OUT – BE
To absorb the entire Darkspace saga, visit their Spotify and Bandcamp pages. For all other news and info, check out their official Facebook page.