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Pete Overell

“Talent has always been the sexiest thing to me."


  • Dillon says:

    Excellently-written review. I read a lot of metal reviews online and yours is so much more involved and passionate than the by-numbers stuff I’m used to. I also make a point of seeking out metal with big, tear-jerking, bittersweet buildups and cathartic releases, so the TesseracT line really jumped out at me. Excited to listen!

  • Jeen says:

    Nice review 🙂 but their second album (not debut album) is called Unfold the God Man, not Unfollow The God Man

    • Pete Overell says:

      Hey dude, thanks for the comment and for the correction on the album title, made the changes now. But it is their debut album, bios across the internet say Ferocious Fellowman is an EP. (EDIT: More research, seems I totally forgot about 24 Trips Around the Sun lol. More edits made!) Thanks a million for reading the review, I hope you enjoy the album.

  • Vamo says:

    Hey man, just wanted to let you know (if you didn’t already) that it’s not all Stefan doing the vocals! Thomas the bass player does a lot of clean vocals as well, which I feel he deserves credit for. Nice review, album is superb.

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