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Following the dissolution of Epione and Alive In Sight, Vietnamese progressive metalcore outfit WINDRUNNER are ready to make their mark on the world. Given their first EP VUI was very well-received, not only from their home fan-base but around the world, they knew they were ready to step up their game with their forthcoming album MAI. WINDRUNNER have cultivated a sound that fans of Memphis May Fire and Secrets will have no trouble jamming along with. Catchy melodies, addictive hooks, and even some heavier riffs come together to create an incredibly enjoyable experience. The female-led vocals help pierce through the music, giving it a softer approach, right before jumping right back into its metalcore roots. We at Everything Is Noise are honored and excited to present to you their new single, “Narcissus”.

With this song, WINDRUNNER are proving that they are not just some run-of-the-mill metalcore group. Abruptly starting with a driving beat and vocalization from front-woman Duong Bui, it becomes apparent rather quickly that they know what they want to sound like. That incredible vocalization persists throughout the song, helping provide substance to the song without overpowering the music in the foreground. The chorus is memorable, urging you to sing along all the way through. This continues the patterns of the other singles coming off of MAI, including “Rose” and “Orchid”, which present some technical parts blended with heavy breakdowns worthy of a pit.

You can follow the band on Facebook for more information. You can also pre-order MAI and pre-save the album on Spotify. A special thanks to Famined Records for allowing us to premiere WINDRUNNER!

Spencer Adams

Music nerd, gamer, Seth Rogan sound-a-like

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