These last few months have been a little hectic for reasons that don’t need to be gone into here, but it has meant I have stayed fairly safely within my comfort zone when it came to listening to new music. Ambient and/or post-rock have been my go-to, but this week I felt like something a little different. Thankfully, today’s premiere is just that – with Everything Is Noise delighted to present to you a frantic offering from Canadian hardcore duo Greber. Having released their fourth album this year (a little bit more on that later), the two-piece are now ready to unleash the video for the penultimate track from the album, the fantastic “Nosebleed”.
Having teamed up with Gareth Jackson of Troublelight Films, Greber have managed to find a visual accompaniment to “Nosebleed” that is as vigorous as the track. The camera pans, zooms and jumps just as quickly as the music changes, perhaps giving a tiny insight into how it might feel in the middle of a Greber live show. “Nosebleed” itself was a great introduction to the band for me, leaving me in awe at the sheer noise two individuals could create. The bass playing of Marc Bourgon and the massive sound he creates would be the envy of many a hardcore guitarist. As short and sharp as “Nosebleed” is, it is clear how important it is to the pairing, who are keen to explain that there is an important message behind the noise:
‘This one is a bit all over the place. Maybe TOO all over the place perhaps. We dig it nonetheless. Topically….and orally….this one is just a reckoning with the fact that we are all closer to death than we can ever imagine. Either that or further than we can imagine. The nug of bullshit that I’m getting at is that few people are ever aware of the fact that they are doing something for the last time. The last time is just the last time and then whatever it is you were doing, ends. Life. Your car. Your hair. Your friends. Just love the shit out of as much as you can throughout the duration of the current nightmare you’re experiencing. There I go pontificating again.‘
In short – listen to “Nosebleed” and you’ll very quickly get a feel for what Greber are all about. Usually with these premieres I’ll finish off encouraging you to check out the pre-order from an upcoming release. If you have little patience, then today is a better day for you, because the latest Greber album Fright Without is out right now and can be ordered via their Bandcamp page. A wholly frantic and intense listen, Fright Without will probably leave you a little disorientated, but you will feel all the better for it. While you’re listening, make sure to give Greber a like and a follow on Facebook, and of course check out their previous albums via the Bandcamp link above.