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And there it is. The summer slump. The wild numbers of the past are slowly dwindling – which doesn’t mean I can’t inundate you with fantastic records that came out in July. Some of my favorite albums of the year have been released in the last few weeks. Let’s get into it.

Federico Durand – Té De Flores Silvestres

July 1 // IIKKI

Let’s start a little bit more quietly. A very beautiful ambient album, maybe one of the best this year.

Bandcamp // Youtube

Liminal Shroud – Visions of Collapse

July 5 // Willowtip Records

A very good piece of black metal on one of the best metal labels around. Stuff on Willowtip always piques my interest, and having previously enjoyed Liminal Shroud, it was a no brainer to get into Visions of Collapse. Well done stuff.

Bandcamp // Youtube

Blind Girls – An Exit Exists

July 5 // Persistent Vision/Secret Voice/Life Lair Regret

This record blew my fucking mind. Skramz is on fire this year, as it has been for a long time, and it warms my heart with all the good feelings that bands like Blind Girls are here for us and bringing more and more people into skramz. An Exit Exists is some of the best stuff the genre has to offer this year and you should definitely check it out.

Bandcamp // Youtube // Review

Xylitol – Anemones

July 5 // Planet Mu

BEHOLD! The kosmische breakbeat dances to its own drum. This is a wild album, but actually very sincere and soothing. A great experience. You should have it too.


VOWER – Apricity

July 8 // Independent

Stay with me here – this EP was actually a bit of a disappointment. Consisting of members of Black Peaks, Toska and Palm Reader, my expectations were sky high and this EP feels pretty bland and safe. BUT – there is definitely potential if they channel a bolder and more intricate approach to their songwriting. Check them out and keep your hopes up.

Bandcamp // Youtube


July 10 // Topshelf Records/Machu Picchu Industrias

While Hear You was a breath of fresh air for toe, NOW I SEE THE LIGHT is much more classic and reminiscent of their beginnings. While this made the new album less exciting at first glance, I came to enjoy the wholesome and hypnotic nature of the album, which focuses more on slowly building dynamics and sequencing. And after all, it’s still toe.

Bandcamp // Youtube // Review

Ira Glass – compound turbulence flexing for the heat

July 12 // Angel Tapes

That shit is just so wild. I had like a dozen first impressions of this album, so many twists and turns. Full of weird ideas that still work so well.

Bandcamp // Youtube

Kessoncoda – Outerstate

July 12 // Gondwana Records

Gondwana are a stable here, so no surprise that Kessoncoda ended up here. It’s not going to win any awards for originality, but it’s another impressive demonstration of the modern jazz Gondwana formula.

Bandcamp // Youtube

Vuur & Zijde – Boezem

July 12 // Prophecy Productions

What a fascinating band. Some kind of psychedelic, blackend gothic rock, but even that’s not quite right. Morbid beauty and Bloodborne vibes. Vuur & Zijde are a delight!

Bandcamp // Youtube

Font – Strange Burden

July 12 // Acrophase Records

One of those instances where I listened to just a fragment of a song and knew I had something very special on my hands. Austin-based art rock/post punk outfit Font‘s debut album is a wild and fantastic ride through monochromatic dreamwords, and we better watch out for what the future holds for this band.

Bandcamp // Youtube

GIL CERRONE – Consumer

July 12 // no funeral/Tomb Tree

More skramz, you say? Well, okay then. Gil Cerrone is a skramz band from Australia that combines elements of post-hardcore, emoviolence and even hints of black metal. It’s nasty, a bit grindy and rough and I love it.

Bandcamp // Youtube

Remi Wolf – Big Ideas

July 12 // Island Records

This album is everything that is good about summer. Not the face-melting heat, but enjoying the good weather with friends, in the moment, no worries. Just good vibes. Remi Wolf has created a funky, soulful piece of indie pop that serves as much needed escapism!

Listen here! // Youtube

Cigarettes After Sex – X’s

July 12 // Partisan Records

Cigarettes After Sex‘s debut album hangs like a looming shadow over most of what followed. While I admire the band’s dedication to staying true to their sound, they lacked the crazy amount of fantastic songs found on their debut. X’s doesn’t reach those heights either, but it comes damn close.

Bandcamp // Youtube

Cassandra Jenkins – My Light, My Destroyer

July 12 // Dead Oceans

I’m a sucker for rich and lush indie folk, and there’s plenty of it on My Light, My Destroyer. A feast for the ears, Cassandra Jenkins has managed to create an album that is full of old school vibes, some of that signature Tori Amos closeness and also contemporary elements. So damn good.

Bandcamp // Youtube

The Dip – Love Direction

July 12 // Dualtone

I didn’t know how much I needed it. It has been a light year for more classic soul, but Love Direction has delivered. It just makes you a little cooler.

Bandcamp // Youtube

OCCULTA VERITAS – Irreducible Fear of the Sublime

July 19 // I, Voidhanger Records

Great side project from Daniele Vergine of Noise Trail Immersion. Very good, slightly creepy post-black metal. If you like that kind of stuff, don’t miss this.

Bandcamp // Youtube

Olivier Cong – Tropical Church

July 19 // Room40

Like an urban scenery, but slowed down to the extreme – there are even some lowercase/Tetsu Inoue vibes going on, mixed with some super delicate vaporwave moments. Fascinating from start to finish, very hypnotic.

Bandcamp // Youtube

Lava La Rue – STARFACE

July 19 // Dirty Hit

I love the mix of psych rock and R&B – kind of weird, but with cool early 00’s pop/R&B vibes. You know what I mean. Just a very special album. I want to dance to it on the beach.

Bandcamp // Youtube

Hitoshi Kojima – Small Changes

July 19 // Independent

A very sweet collection of influences, catchy and kind of…cyberpunk-ish? Good stuff.


Eliza & The Delusionals – Make It Feel Like The Garden

July 19 // Cooking Vinyl Australia

This band feels like it could go places. There is definitely something special going on with Eliza & The Delusionals, and the potential of this band is super high. These songs are addictively good, and I hope the fact that these guys are from Australia doesn’t mean they can’t make it in the rest of the world.

Bandcamp // Youtube

Dim – planted in the soil

July 19 // Star Rats Records

A little album by a relatively unknown skramz/pop punk duo – and it’s pretty much my favorite album of the year so far. It has no right to be this good, and its songwriting rivals Arm’s Length, who write crazy good songs. Listen to Dim!


Hereisaropegoodluck – NOTHING TO WRITE HOME ABOUT

July 19 // Wax Vessel

Modern produced grindcore for those who dislike the more rustic sound of most grindcore. It fucks and it’s fun.

Bandcamp // Youtube

Orcas – How to Color a Thousand Mistakes

July 19 // Morr Music

If you know the two people behind Orcas, you get a pretty good idea of what this project is all about. Some of the most beautiful dream pop you can imagine, and it’s their first album in 10 years.

Bandcamp // Youtube

Glåsbird – A Sonic Expedition

July 20 // whitelabrecs

Some of the best Icelandic ambient around. If you know, you know – Glåsbird is no stranger to people who like ambient, but it’s one of those projects that I wholeheartedly recommend to people outside of that branch of music. It’s accessible enough to grab your attention, but intricate enough to soothe your mind. Fuck yes, Glåsbird.

Bandcamp // Youtube

Hakushi Hasegawa – Mahōgakkō

July 24 // Brainfeeder

Wonderful soundscapes, super captivating and charmingly weird – Hakushi Hasegawa has made fantastic music for quite a long time, and their newest album is no exception from their already impressive catalog. If you are more into the adventurous, colorful world of modern electronica, this is a must listen!

Bandcamp // Youtube

Iress – Sleep Now, In Reverse

July 26 // Church Road Records

We hyped Iress‘ last full-length, Flaw, a lot when it came out a couple of years ago – now the band is back with a more modern, fashionable aesthetic and a slightly updated sound to fit in with the trend of the more gaudy side of modern doom. And they pull it off fantastically.

Bandcamp // Youtube

Defacement – Duality

July 26 // Avantgarde Music/Total Dissonance Worship

Defacement‘s last self-titled album made some waves in our team as it was pretty much the nastiest shit we’ve heard back in 2021. Now the dissonant death metal act is back with a new label and even more nasty shit. Being nasty has never been more beautiful.

Bandcamp // Youtube

Mountaineer – Dawn and All That Follows

July 26 // A Thousand Arms

One of those bands we have been covering and praising since their early beginnings – they are so incredibly overlooked. Now a new Mountaineer album is like a visit from an old friend. And damn, they have had a hell of a makeover.

Bandcamp // Youtube // Review

Passepartout Duo and Inoyama Land – Radio Yugawara

July 26 // Tonal Union

Beautiful. As always. If you want to escape reality, this is the way.


State Faults – Children Of The Moon

July 26 // Deathwish

One of the bigger skramz favorites still active. I was really looking forward to this album and it didn’t disappoint. So much cool shit going on here – State Faults are still at the top of their game.

Bandcamp // Youtube

Sinai Vessel – I SING

July 26 // Keeled Scales

I have a very soft spot for this band – I can’t even explain what’s so good about them, they just warm my heart. I SING and I love.

Bandcamp // Youtube

Thanks for scrolling!

Toni Meese

I know more than you.

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