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Over the past few years, the artists/bands that have left the biggest impact on me are always the ones who refuse to stick to one style or genre. The artists that tastefully blend countless musical influences and styles into one cohesive experience to create something truly unique are always invigorating to listen to, especially with how much music is out there nowadays; Convulsif are one such group. With these musical visionaries, you are never sure what to expect and that is what makes the music so exciting.

The Swiss collective, Convulsif, are an entity that fuses math metal, jazz, noise rock, and grindcore into one neat little package. Don’t let that intimidate you, as this is a very pleasant sounding surprise. They are set to release their upcoming fifth record, Extinct, on October 23 through Hummus Records and we at Everything Is Noise could not be any more ecstatic to premier their new single, “Feed My Spirit Side By Side”.

Beware: If you haven’t yet seen and intend to watch the television show The Boys, then skip this next paragraph as I am about to include a brief spoiler regarding the first episode and how this single reminded me of a particular moment from that show.

In order for me to accurately describe my experience with “Feed My Spirit Side By Side”, I am reminded of the scene from The Boys when Hughie was standing on the side of the street holding hands with his girlfriend, Rachel. In the span of a millisecond, he suddenly is covered in her blood and the only remains of her are her hands and a cloud of blood mist. A super ‘hero’ who runs at incredibly high speed ran right through her. The pure shock and utter confusion that Hughie is feeling at that exact moment is how I felt after listening to this Convulsif single, as it was a very short and wild ride that left me purely dazed and filled with emotions I cannot properly describe.

“Feed My Spirit Side By Side” is a brief whirlwind of a track that will leave you feeling like you stood up way too fast after sitting for a long while. As short as the song is, the progression in the intensity of the percussion is what causes this track to get more and more chaotic. The raw and filthy bass tone hasn’t failed in sending chills up my spine with each listen because it is just that ridiculous. Although this track is a short jam session with just drums and bass, I am beyond eager to hear what else this record has to offer as Convulsif also features a bass clarinet and violin in the band as well.

If you aren’t following Convulsif on Facebook yet, I suggest you get on that to keep up to date with any news regarding their upcoming release! Extinct is available for preorder through Hummus Records, so go snag yourself some wax.

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