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The Inevitable Fork, Vol. 2 has even more sharp surprises stuck between its teeth, as Melted Bodies somehow find new ways to balance unhinged avant-garde with metallic chaos.

Release date: June 30, 2023 | Independent | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Bandcamp

So, let’s imagine that right here is that flashback dissolve transition that Wayne’s World makes fun of, and we’re going back to when I reviewed The Inevitable Fork, Vol. 1

So far, the first volume of The Inevitable Fork accentuates what they established with their trailblazing and unfuckwithable debut album, and that’s as good a position for any artist to be in. I have zero doubt that trend will continue with subsequent parts.

Aaaaand we’re back, wiser and readier than ever to talk about The Inevitable Fork, Vol. 2. This’ll be my fourth article about Melted Bodies – it’s absolutely no secret that I love them and stew about on this ass-blasted planet until I simply get more. I’ll be moving pretty fast through this one as I left all my context and buildup back in the review for Vol. 1. Let’s get into it.

Vol. 2 is really something else. Even still, the band seem intent on being undefinable and lurching into other sonic territories as they please. The very first track, “The Hot Dog Contract”, is a violent deathgrind song that sees them at their heaviest ever. I was genuinely surprised to see how hard this song went – while they’re absolutely no stranger to weight and harsh elements in their music, this song’s like a glizzy shotgun to the mouth. I don’t have any clue what it’s about, as the lyrics are nigh indecipherable to me aside from its calmer sections, where the instrumentation clears up some. One quote from the song sums up Vol. 2 pretty well: ‘And just when you thought it couldn’t get any more complicated, it does‘.

“State Of Mind” is eclectic, but classically so when you compare it to past Melted Bodies work. The melody is slightly progressive, which gives it some grace, but it’s hammered home with all the subtlety of a crashing plane. Really though, most of the track comes off like a dark, new wave-ish song, its mechanical heart thumping with anticipation of some sort. “The Avalanche” skewers what sounds like a life deep in the trenches of Hollywood social circles filled with attention, luxury, and torrents of counterfeit people; then executive-level corporate America that robs everyone within radius of their souls, leaving nothing but a wealthy husk. The vocals are the hammer this time, but they all carry this very off-putting tone to them, like you’re handcuffed to a chair with a pacing madman in front of you, holding pliers behind his back, contemplating where to start with your supple body. It’s got this industrial backbone that feeds that anxiety as well.

Finally, we’re faced with “Relax, You Are Lazy”, a song that manages to bake everything in Vol. 2 together and still sprinkle some extra spice on top to crunch on. This time, the bass stands out with the catchiest melody on the EP. The intro sounds like some offbeat lounging music before tripping into a thrashy spurt and letting the ADHD just win. Deep guitar chugs and splashy drums accent the track into a metal apocalypse. When it loops back to “The Hot Dog Contract”, it feels normal and right – all you have to do is prepare for the rollercoaster to plummet all over again, but if you’re anything like me, then you live for this shit.

I’ll concede that this EP is missing some of that supreme catchiness that’s on Vol. 1 (“Therapy” and “Liars” were great for this) and Enjoy Yourself (nearly every track on the album), but what it somewhat lacks in that it makes up for with extra abrasion and experimentation. As a midpoint of a three-pointed album that will be complete with the next volume, I can see this being the caustic core of the album, surrounded by its more sugary outer layer, though that assumes the track list for the final album will retain this order. If it shuffles it a bit, then chaos for all – still, these tracks offer yet another damn facet of Melted Bodies that I don’t even think they themselves expected to see come to fruition.

I don’t know how many times I have to say it, but Melted Bodies maintain the title of one of the most interesting bands in rock to this day. They genuinely surprise with every new release, and with the messy, dour, attractively angular project that is The Inevitable Fork getting close to its conclusion, the anticipation is harder to stave off than a feral bear when you’re covered in fish meat. I’m happy my predictions for the band are holding true, but I’m happier still that they are still managing to keep me on my toes. Until next time.

Band photo by @dancefloormurder

David Rodriguez

"I'm not a critic, I'm a liketic" - ThorHighHeels

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