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Tabletop RPGs aren’t a thing I’m really into, but I play enough video games and see enough nerdy shit that I’m familiar with them and respect the hell out of the craft. Because that’s what it is: a game made – crafted – by all participants down to the most minute details, roles played and immersed within, cooperating to dick-stomp your dungeon master or whoever’s pulling the strings in an asymmetrical manner, or just have fun together!

All of this and more is what makes a band like DUNGEON CRAWL special. Though high fantasy and even Dungeons & Dragons themes aren’t new to metal by a longshot, the San Jose band immerse themselves far deeper than the average heavy metal band that like to swing swords around. We’re happy to share their latest campaign courtesy of Carbonized Records, Maze Controller, a new LP teeming with might, magic, and melody across ten (10) ripping songs a full day before it officially releases on September 20!

Combining thrash, symphonic, and just a vial of power metal, DUNGEON CRAWL are seriously fun in the most literal way. The music is miles away from parodic – this is stone-cold metal-ass metal with steely density and momentum, lined with powerful choral vocals and the occasional harpsichord to remind you that this is a classy affair. On the other hand, the themes are based on a game that’s fun for many and can be lighthearted if desired. Also, the drummer’s name is Magnus-Scrota – clearly there’s some tongue-in-cheek nudging going on and the band is better for it. And look at that awesome-ass cover art done by James Bousema. What a colorful statement – that wizard is pondering the shit out of that orb.

There’s a lot to like across Maze Controller. Named after the vocalist/bassist of the band, it evokes the intensity of navigating a labyrinthine dungeon with your party and all the narrative and event twists and turns a good tabletop RPG would have. “Roll For Initiative” feels like the music that would play in a town tavern or guild as you assemble your party, build the character who will be an extension of yourself, and venture out to the unknown marked with vocal chants, pensive guitar licks that preempt a dark journey, and a touch of atmospheric magic summoned from the most potent mana around. “The Arcane Temptation” bowls you over with upfront thrashy metal, straight from the most famous smithy in the region – drums are quick as hell, hammering out punk-infused death marches for rhythms… unless you can get your d20 to act right. The vocals are ravenous as if bellowed from a frenzied goblin or orc. I get touches of Tommy Meehan (Squid Pisser), just more enunciated and less vomitous.

Songs like “+1 Mace” dump stat points into strength and go swinging for necks with how it follows the conquest of a pious paladin-type character. I love the interaction of the symphony and guitars here. “Saving Throw” goes even further, almost to black metal territories, with the rhythmic pacing and writing of riffs. It feels like a dire, tense moment for the players of this game and a highlight on Maze Controller. My favorite might be “Lords Of Pen And Paper” though. A slow bass creep of an intro gives way to a monumental instrumental section making great use of symphonic elements that keep the themes alive. This is no mimic – some of the catchiest melodies are found here in this big treasure chest of a tune. It’s slower and longer than the rest of the album, but that’s particularly why it stands out; the music is allowed to breathe more and it feels like an expertly-placed mid-point for the album before the final act.

Maze Controller is a cool-ass time worth rolling the dice on and surely something you won’t just wanna one-shot and put away. Between the ominous synths of “The Forbidden Scrolls” and the riotous thrashy explosions of “Red Shadows”, there’s a lot to like here. I would be remiss if I didn’t urge you to magic missile your fingers over to the DUNGEON CRAWL pubs of social media – Facebook and Instagram – to soak up some gossip and find your next quest, like preordering the new album physically and getting merch sure to give you a defensive boost. If you’re in the US, you can do that on Carbonized Records‘ site here, EU/UK party members here. The town of Bandcamp is your one-stop shop for all your digital needs regarding DUNGEON CRAWL as well. Now if you’ll excuse me, my weak-ass rogue died while writing this article so I’m gonna go find a necromancer to get them back up to snuff. Until next time, adventurer!

Band photo by Chris Johnston

David Rodriguez

"I came up and so could you, and fuck the boys in blue" - RMR

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