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Sometimes, pure brilliance is found in what is left unexplained; Art, when almost completely open to interpretation as far as its meaning, is exactly that sort of exhilarating mystery of creations that keeps our minds curious and always delving deeper. What starts as a simple, almost seemingly meaningless depiction of a musician, architect, painter, sculptor, or otherwise artistic personality’s vision quickly transforms into something increasingly vivid and of much intrigue to those that dare to digest it. That said, welcome to the ‘dreamlike metaphor’ that is the abstract visual ‘listening guide’ to TYTO’s track, “Jerks”!

One thing, amongst many other things, that is to be recognized and adored about multiple forms of art is how symbiotic they can be when combined, sometimes even without total intentions of it. In this particular instance, the illustrations presented and directed by Alessandro Gaspari work in tandem with the music TYTO has carefully crafted as what I consider one of the most fascinating and original pieces of sonic wonder I’ve heard in some time. The two paired together only expand the experience for the listener and viewer; The combination is virtually hypnotic and demands repeated plays as you try to find your own interpretation of it all means.

The first minute-and-a-half feels relatively straightforward in style, upping your heart rhythms with electronic chaos that still manages to find a graceful melody amongst the breakbeat-esque, industrial-like drum sequences. This is also blessed by the voice of Adele Altro, who repeats a rhythmic, spoken-word phrase that’s actually quite fitting with the music behind it: ‘Get your shit together’. Fitting to be directed like this by the ominous voice of Adele, given that’s exactly what you’re likely trying to do while keeping up with the layers and layers of aural wonder going on during this minute-and-30-seconds process of being welcomed into the collective mind of TYTO and Gaspari.

The entire rest of the song slows everything down, quickly becoming a trip-hoppy meditation that will separate your soul from your body as you feel almost absorbed into the music video yourself. Beautiful saxophone melodies peppered in, entrancing woodwinds and reverbed synth sounds, and some angelic, yet haunting vocal spells casted by Altro…it’s over. You’re now fully immersed in this dreamland of beautiful confusion, that still somehow makes perfect sense to you, even if you can’t explain it.

The entire song and video feel almost like a rush of anxiety that is quickly cooled down in the latter portion of its duration. As described by Gaspari: ‘The obsession presented by the lyrics, music and images is the fulcrum of everything: it can be considered as a distorted vision, for example, of one’s own interest; and the insertion of disturbing imagery allows the right connection between the dots, without one prevailing over the others.’ For me, personally, it’s resembling of this hyper-fixation of getting something you want despite not entirely knowing how, and even once you do, after all you sacrificed and put aside to make it a reality; Somehow you still feel a bit lost and empty, but going forth with better insight.

Regardless, a reward can be found each time you hit play and repeat this jarring, yet calming masterpiece! If you, too, want to see how much deeper the rabbit hole goes, waste no time in following, streaming, and keeping up with the mesmerizing work of TYTO via Instagram, Bandcamp, and the official website! A true magician in the ways of waveform teamed with a sorcerer of lucid visuals is truly an equation that yields a mind-bending result such as the “Jerks” video! We look forward to the next show of synergy between these two…


Easygoing weirdo with a love for life, music, art, culture, outdoors, meeting new people, seeing new places, and trying new things. Oh yeah, and I guess I never shut up about the things I love, too. That’s a quality!

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