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Here at Everything Is Noise, we fucking love jazz. As our readers might notice, we engage with all spectrums of wiggly air, yet modern jazz seems to be one of the glues that all of us stick to. Our premiere for today, Lilly Legit, will no doubt become a crowd favourite here in the gang, owing to his great take on the genre. Charming and warm, the latest track from the German jazz wizard will no doubt encapsulate and excite you today. Lilly Legit is primarily the work of Benjamin Günther, based out of Osnabrück in Germany. Armed with a rich arsenal of experience, Benjamin deftly weaves intricate songs together, with electronic beats providing solid foundations for his classical piano work. His time spent DJing really helps the overall experience, with the beats underneath really popping against the complex and high-energy pianos. Live, he plays with bassist Nils Weber and drummer Aaron Deux. According to the press, they bring an even jazzier, higher energy performance on record, so be sure to keep an eye out on socials for dates when they’ll be playing.

His new track “Transition / Resilience” is a two-parter that really feels like different chapters in a story. The first part is wistful and almost melancholic at times, rising to a powerful climax that imbues the listener with hope. Suddenly, the track switches into a much more energetic and positive beat for “Resilience”, and the listener is transported to a totally different world. Benajmin’s fingers must’ve been getting friction burns with the speed at which he plays some of the sections on the keys. I can’t quite place what the music sounds like with its Latin influences, but it certainly wouldn’t be out of place in a Sonic game or a JRPG; certainly a must-listen for fans of Mammal Hands and GoGo Penguin. The track fades out smoothly, finishing off a captivating piece of work. Check it out below!

“Transition / Resilience” releases on April 1st, 2022. You can pick the record up from Bandcamp below and follow Lilly Legit on the socials posted. Have a great one devouring this excellent piece!

Lilly Legit Socials

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Pete Overell

“Talent has always been the sexiest thing to me."

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