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‘The rain moves everything. The city never sleeps. In preacher like fashion, the narrator shares laments with the void. He / she once again opened their eyes disassociated in a reality that is not their own. However they feel like they are being mocked. That the effort of chasing what what they cannot catch is futile.’

Being surprised is one of the best parts about listening to music. Be it a new melody, riff, drum fill, lyric, or some combination of all of that or none of it, exploration is the single thread that unifies those who love of us that love to sift through upcoming releases. In the case of Aldrig, I volunteered to write this premiere without having any real concrete knowledge of what I would be hearing or writing about it.

Luring me into post-anything these days is a hard sell as this layer of ideas is often covering up elements that I enjoy more about the genres that appear after the hyphen. However, when balanced these sounds can tug on emotional threads that a more direct approach can miss. In the case of  “Yağmur Gelecek”, the first song from Aldrig‘s forthcoming LP, so many emotional tones are broached that inferior songwriters would let them simmer for only moments before moving on.  Thankfully, each feeling that is expressed on this track is given its proper due with each motif blossoming in the fading light.

Waves of emotions are experienced on this track from the more subtle to the more intense and layer upon layer of guitars, clean and shouted vocals, tumultuous drumming, and more scrape against each other in harmony. The fury within this song, as well as the peace, are some of the most clearly defined and fully realized emotions that I’ve heard in a while, and the anticipation for Aldrig‘s debut album is growing with each listen.

Aldrig’s inaugural full-length album, Yağmur, is a musical odyssey featuring four tracks interwoven with recurring themes, offering a captivating experience that spans nearly 40 minutes. The album is slated for release on November 23, 2023, courtesy of Wolves and Vibrancy Records, and will be accessible to listeners worldwide through all major streaming platforms. You can follow the label over on Facebook to get updates on the album’s digital release in November and physical release in January 2024. You can also follow Aldrig on Facebook to catch updates as we inch closer the album’s release and more!

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