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We’ve escaped the ridiculous year that was 2020, but so far, 2021 hasn’t been showing much promise (at least not where I am in America). In times like these, I try the best I can to isolate from what is causing negativity, but it isn’t easy with a seemingly endless stream of bad news. For now, my coping mechanism has become calming music. Fortunately for me, I have been blessed with discovering a new emo band from Stuttgart, Germany – ParkWalker.

ParkWalker embodies some of my favorite tonal qualities found in 90s math rock and alternative. The band’s subdued qualities are mesmerizing and enthralling, and the influence of legendary bands like American Football and TTNG is immediately evident. While these comparisons are easy to make, it’s also charming to hear ParkWalker included their own fresh take on the genre. Today, we at Everything Is Noise are proud to premiere the band’s newest single, “Memento”!

It’s clear that “Memento” could be considered an emo anthem. The track opens with an atmospheric guitar and a vocal melody that would fit well with bands like Balance and Composure and Tigers Jaw. As the musical layers continue to evolve through the song, the excitement and depth begin to grow into a sound that feels like a warm, comforting embrace. I find that the song manages to sound colossal without hiding behind gimmicks or effects; it is simply a beautiful track that manifests emotions without forcing them.

Speaking about their new song, the band added some words:

Memento starts with a spheric guitar, a somewhat ominous sound enclosing the listener. It disappears as the song unfolds in the relaxed and dreamy ParkWalker way, memories assume contours while present and long past self encounter. At the end we hear the same spheric sound again however this time with a very conciliatory feel.

ParkWalker‘s “Memento” is a fantastic song that will certainly appeal to fans of emo and math rock. The band’s debut album Distant Phenomena will be released on February 19 through This Charming Man Records, and I’m definitely adding it to my new music radar. If you dig what you hear and you want to support the band, pre-order a physical copy of new album here, and pre-save the album to your streaming service of choice here. In addition, follow them on Bandcamp, Facebook, and Instagram to stay up to date with new music and other announcements. “Memento” was exactly the type of song I need to calm me down during the chaos, and I hope that it can do the same for you.

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