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I think we’ve all thought about being an animal at some point. Imagine – being taken care of by humans, not knowing what capitalism is or having to work to live. I’ll always envy leopard geckos for that. Boston’s Miracle Blood have given that thought some serious consideration over the years, playing and developing a song called “Pomeranian” since it was demoed in 2016 and up to its studio release as part of their independently released 2022 LP, Melter.

Today, we have the esteemed pleasure of helping the band premiere a cutesy video for the noisy punk animal anthem. Let’s peep the video and reconvene on the other side.

Fitting that this song would be named after a dog as it’s got some bark and bite to it. Vocalist/guitarist Andrew Wong really gives it his all. As solid as his clean singing is, it’s the shouts that really captivate and enthrall; got me wanting to shred my throat from attempting to follow along. Dude can S I N G. Overall, it’s a relatively understated track instrumentally – guitars are flush with good tone with the bass especially meaty from Garrett Young, and Anthony Bollitier’s drums got a nice crisp feel to them. The overall soundscape is well produced and open to allow the noise to fill adequately with some room for tasty effects. The track ramps up over four minutes with simple-yet-effective melodies, gaining more traction and energy as it goes. The final verse reminds me of a punkier Foxy Shazam in their earlier days.

Miracle Blood shed some light on the song’s concept:

‘I think it’s connected with people because it’s very direct and simple, both musically and lyrically. The first movement of the song revolves around the line ‘I want to be a pomeranian.’ A pomeranian is a luxurious dog. It’s a dog that’s meant to be pampered and fawned over. Who wouldn’t want to be a pomeranian? However, the second movement of the song revolves around the line: ‘whatever pays the bills.’ We aren’t all afforded lives of luxury, at the end of the day, most of us have to do whatever pays the bills.’

The video’s concept matches the simplicity of the track with stellar action shots of the band playing juxtaposed with shots of an inquisitive, adorable pooch. It’s far from a serious video, but it is seriously good at appeasing both noise rock and dog fans alike. Cat fans – it’s quiet for y’all this time. I hope that pup got some treats for being a good boy/girl.

The cool thing with this premiere is that if you want more, you can immediately get it. Melter is out now and available on streaming services including Bandcamp. Giving it an attentive listen, I’m confident in saying it’s a good-ass time – some supplemental listening I’d suggest is “Like a Round Hole Through a Square Peg” and “Swollen”, but the whole thing will treat you well. Follow Miracle Blood on Instagram and Facebook for some more fun times – they’re in the process of writing a new album already! 🙂

Band photo by Kristi Xhelili

David Rodriguez

"I'm not a critic, I'm a liketic" - ThorHighHeels

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