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Get ready for some super edgy metalcore from the Finland duo Cyranoi, who have returned with another great track. It’s great to hear some good honest djent-esque music again. “Foreseer” has a strong concentration of melody, and the added pianos are marvelously effective. But the song also keeps heaviness at the heart of its personality, so listeners get a finely tuned balance of brutal and emotive. Plus, it always helps to have a thoroughly monstrous voice, which vocalist Joona Jaakkola is in acute possession of.

An extra nod goes out to the cool video, which contains some awesome visuals and an imaginative placement of lyrics. Its futuristic beastliness is the perfect fit for the music, and is yet another showcase of the band’s creative talent. We at Everything Is Noise are honored to have the exclusive premiere, so without further ado, please check out “Foreseer”!

“Foreseer” is also the second teaser for Cyranoi‘s debut full-length album Dive, which is due for release in 2019. It promises to be the band’s most intricate work to date, and a worthy successor to their two previous EPs Challenger Deep and Exist. To hear these earlier releases, check out Cryanoi‘s Spotify and Bandcamp pages. For all other news and info, visit the band’s official facebook page.

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