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In an increasingly technofucked world, we require increasingly technofucked music, and no genre better represents the hellish descent of a dying planet than cybergrind. I’m a fan – it’s a scene and genre that’s really gotten its mechanical legs over the years and there’s a lot of permutations already showing themselves from incorporations of noise and metal, to EDM and chiptune. It’s a type of music you can really go at on your own pace and bring your own taste with you, a veritable ‘choose your fighter’ situation.

Canadian ultra-giga-glitchers B34V3R 7337H (‘beaver teeth’ in case you didn’t grow up with AOL chat rooms like I did) are here to whisk your brain into mush with their latest output. Formed initially as a pair-up for Big Money Cybergrind‘s ‘cybergrind-off’ compilation album where two separate artists are tasked with creating a joint track for said album, The First Seed (Adam Gabber) and tenthousandfuckingspiders (Kurtis Bradimore) liked their co-op adventure so much, they decided to make a whole-ass EP (which in this context likely means Electronic Pounding). It’s called Kintsukuroi, named after the Japanese word for ‘golden repair‘, where cracked and broken pottery and other ceramics are fixed with lacquer mixed with gold (or silver or platinum) powder giving a piece new life. Today, we’re ecstatic to premiere a track from Kintsukuroi named “K1LL M3”.

Just barely breaking two minutes and B34V3R 7337H overwhelm. Between the cheeky Futurama sample at the beginning and the lush lobotomy of calming atmosphere at the end, “K1LL M3” gives so little fucks, it actually takes fucks from you, leaving you in fuck debt while you spin in despair from the sensory overload. Seriously, this is gonna grate on a lot of people and I understand why – you’d like it better if you had robot ears. The instrumentation is still plenty coherent though. The drums are snappy, the melodies are pointed, and the overall structure of the track blends a deep understanding of songwriting with cybergrind’s volatile desire for exponential, infinite change and finesse. Adding another layer of aural hate is Shane Burrow from BingeNinja on vocals; his anguished wails sound like he’s on the receiving end of an animatronic autopsy – real sick shit.

The duo outlines their process a bit, thankfully in layman’s terms because my frontal lobe is still tingling: ‘The music is written by combining various samples, audio stems, old demos, etc. The stems are then spliced, cut, and bit-crushed into oblivion. The remains are then reformed and used as a template to add other drums, synths, and effects. The end result is a unique blend of sporadic, melodic brutality.’ Where “K1LL M3” is concerned, the result is a restless explosion of gears, the melting of circuitry keeping everything running smoothly. Kintsukuroi is a wonderful name for B34V3R 7337H‘s new EP as it makes you feel broken up, snapped far from the joints, and eliciting a process like golden repair to put you back together. More from the duo on how this all came to fruition:

‘This track was the second track we worked on together and really finalized our idea to write a full EP. The coolest part about writing these songs is not knowing how the track will turn out in the end. Each time adam and I send the stems back and fourth they change dramatically. The end result becomes almost unrecognizable compared to the original idea it stemmed from. We feel the track perfectly encapsulates the chaos we’re trying to convey while also having a subtle melancholic tone with hints of humor and sarcastic brutality. We don’t take it seriously and the listener shouldn’t either. We just like making chaos for the sake of chaos.’

B1G TH4NK5 70- uh, sorry. Big thanks to B34V3R 7337H and their people for allowing us to premiere this awesome track. Kintsukuroi is coming out soon and will feature more talent from Southern Ontario’s metal scene like Christopher Osuch (SEAGRAVE), Jacob Cooledge (Beguiler), Paul Padgett (CRUELINTENT), Tyler Patchett (The Paroxysm/INCARNATUS), and Nick Young (Pillars Of Autumn), creating a hometown labor of love for all involved.  You can follow B34V3R 7337H on FacebookThe First Seed on Facebook and Instagram, likewise for tenthousandfuckingspiders on Facebook and Instagram.

David Rodriguez

"I'm not a critic, I'm a liketic" - ThorHighHeels

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