So, here we go again with the second THE NOISE OF episode on 2024 about the first month in 2024… damn, this is always weird. After December 2023 threw some real gems at us, January surely started slow, only one to two weeks in, there was no joking around – January made a strong and promising first impression for the year, and I gathered some of the finest releases right here for you!
Alluvial – Death Is But A Door
January 12 // Nuclear Blast

After the initial hype when Alluvial was started as an instrumental project with Keith Merrow and Wes Hauch, I feel the buzz around this band died down a bit when Merrow left and they changed dramatically with the addition of vocalist Kevin Muller – yet I still think they are one of the most interesting modern death metal/deathcore acts out there. This EP is no exception.
Infant Island – Obsidian Wreath
January 12 // Secret Voice

I already hold Infant Island in high regard for their fantastic mix of black metal, post-metal and skramz, and they seem to get better with each record. Obsidian Wreath is controlled chaos, wonderfully dark and impressively abrasive. They seem more and more eager to find their own identity as a band, sounding more confident in their style than ever before. A monumental album.
Fainting Dreams – Those Left Untouched by the Light
January 12 // Candlepin Records
Nicholas Craven & Boldy James – Penalty of Leadership
January 12 // Independent
January 15 // Zegema Beach Records
Cave Sermon – Divine Laughter
January 18 // Independent

Absolutely relentless. First of all, I really dig the non-metal artwork for such a hard metal album. Cave Sermon return after their fantastic debut album Memory Spear, with an even greater display of the beauty in extreme metal. This is loud and abrasive, but also elegant and soothing.
Resin Tomb – Cerebral Purgatory
January 19 // Transcending Obscurity Records

Well, it seems like metal is one a good way with me for 2024. Riff after riff, Resin Tomb grinded into my hear with their punching and gritty death metal. For me, Cerebral Purgatory is the greatest achievement yet, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see it in many discusions about the best death metal records of the year in some months.
January 19 // Sub Pop Records

When SLIFT hit the scene some years ago, they were a band that was very good at playing the genre tropes. Still, I felt that the band was capable of more. With ILION, they show a glimpse of that ‘more’, and give away how much potential to be one of the coolest modern rock bands they really have. Not quite there yet, but already super duper promising.
Viva Belgrado – Cancionero de los Cielos
January 19 // Fueled by Salmorejo

There is a big soft spot for Viva Belgrado in my heart. I love their vibe, I love the vocals and the Spanish lyrics – they are just an ultimately likeable band. With their previous album Bellavista, the band reached new heights. And while Cancionero de los Cielos doesn’t quite reach those heights, it’s more Viva Belgrado, and I’m here for it.
Mary Halvorson – Cloudward
January 19 // Nonesuch Records
Kyle Dion – If My Jeans Could Talk
January 19 // Position Music

It’s hard to contain my excitement – I was waiting for this EP eagerly, because “Let’s Get It On” is easily one of my favorite tracks in recent yeary. It’s also the best track on this EP – nevertheless, all of the other songs are bangers as well. Kyle is awesome.
Benoît Pioulard & Offthesky – Sunder
January 22 // laaps

A good start through 2024’s ambient journey! Benoît Pioulard is known for his textured and intricate work; teaming up with Offthesky unlocks even more great elements. Beautiful.
Cognizance – Phantazein
January 26 // Willowtip
Vitriol – Suffer & Become
January 26 // Century Media Records

A band like a sledgehammer. I praised Vitriol on several occasions in the past for their relentless and unmatched energy which blasts everything they do to the umpteenth level. Suffer & Become is more proggy and experimental than the more straightforward To Bathe from the Throat of Cowardice, and combined with their phenomenal energy, this is a fantastic experience.
Mall Girl – Pure Love
January 26 // Jansen Records

Uhhhhhhh. This is so lush and dreamy. World-class songwriting, fantastic sound and those drums are soooooo crisp. Pure Love is exactly like that. Pure love. There are some vibes which are similar to what Men I Trust is doing, but it’s a very different kind of gaze – less sleepy and a bit more sunny and fresh!
Knoll – As Spoken
January 26 // Independent
Tom Odell – Black Friday
January 26 // UROK

A record which strongly reminds me of Son Lux‘ Ryan Lott. The timbre and the vibrato of the vocals are next level, and the beautiful arrangements and pristine sound design makes this a very sweet and rich indie pop album.
They Hate Change – Wish You Were Here…
January 26 // Jagjaguwar

I called hip hop the most progressive of the big genres a couple of times, and I might even called They Hate Change one of the best examples for that take. But let me do it again – They Hate Change are fucking amazing. With this EP, there is no reason not to check that. You like hip hop? Get on that. You don’t like hip hop? Get on that!
The Smile – Wall Of Eyes
January 26 // XL Recordings
Olhava – Sacrifice
January 26 // Avantgarde Music
junodream – Pools of Colour
January 26 // Independent

Speaking of Radiohead – since we already featured a band which featured members of the band, I now wanna highlight an album which carries some of the bands spirit. Dream pop/art rock outfit junodream delieverd a beautiful and rich piece of art, full of fascinating layers and captivating soundscapes.
GUHTS – Regeneration
January 26 // New Heavy Sounds

What a leap. GUHTS were an interesting band in the past, but with Regeneration, the band definitely unlocked potential I didn’t know they were capable of. Gazey and heavy, this album is a must-listen for all the people who enjoy modern doomgaze with a sprinkle of old school charisma.
Masta Ace & Marco Polo – Richmond Hill
January 26 // Fat Beats

Fantastic hip hop gem. Can’t say that I ever checked anything by either Masta Ace or Marco Polo, but Richmon Hill got to me. Great beats and awesome flow.
Thanks for scrolling!