I think we can all agree that on a macro-level, 2024 *sucked*. There was so much war, hatred, despair, and complacency that it would be hard to put into words. Politically, socially, and economically, these past 12 months brought small victories that were largely drowned out by the overbearing buzz of bad news flooding our consciousness from every angle, 24/7. Hard to justify a title like the one atop this article given those observations, and I’d genuinely agree – if it wasn’t for the micro-level, where I and many others were able to persevere and even thrive against the odds set by the world around us.
Yes, 2024 was full of general suck-age, but it also brought so much joy, hope, and inspiration into my life that I would be hard-pressed to find a year better spent in my entire adult life. From a professional, musical, and personal standpoint, I enjoyed many wonderful moments and achievements. Of course there will be many reading this and going ‘that’s nice, Dom, good job flexing on everyone’, and to that I say take your attitude and shove it. Sharing the ups and victories of our lives is just as important as taking the brunt of the downs and losses together, so I invite you to reflect upon the good things that happened in your life for a brief moment. I think we’d do better to hold our light against the impending darkness instead of wallowing in the doom and gloom of it all.
I’ll keep the personal side of this short; these are the things that were impactful in my life, but won’t necessarily mean much to readers of a music blog. I get that. And yet, I’d be amiss to leave them out of this brief recapitulation. After all, I shared some wonderful moments with people I cherish, even outside this amazing group of people I have worked with for almost 9 years now. I feel like I have surrounded myself with good people in real life, and that contributed greatly to my personal and professional growth. Friends and respected work acquaintances have taught me a lot about my role and (self-)worth, and they all helped me appreciate my surroundings by, yes, making me feel respected and appreciated.
Small things like going out with friends, visiting art exhibitions and concerts together or just having a drink – none of this has been a regular part of my life before. As such, having found a close circle of people to turn to and rely on has been one of the biggest positives of 2024. From that foundation, I was also able to grow into my relatively new role as a school teacher even further, hopefully helping me to do right by those who look to me for guidance and education. Thus far, the lessons I learned and the bonds I shared with students and colleagues have made this an amazing journey, and I feel deeply fulfilled by my job. I’m grateful for this. Sure, it gets hectic and exhausting at times, but what job doesn’t?
From my first self-financed vacation (a trip to Barcelona in autumn, which was lovely) to the acquisition of an art nouveau-style lamp (yes, that one), so many dreams – big and small – came true in this year alone, most of which I had all but given up on by the beginning of 2023. After years of desolation, I feel like 2024 allowed me to thrive instead of just moving forward, which is an absolute blessing.
Those were the things that gave me hope and faith in my personal and professional life – how about we talk some music as well? Because holy smokes, 2024 did not relent in that regard either. Early in the year, my excitement for heavy music came back in full force, and it brought with it a diversification and refinement of my overall listening habits. All kinds of metal, prog, world music, and even some Americana flooded (back) into my established core aesthetic, which allowed me to strengthen my belief in the quality and depth of music both old and new. To think that it all started because my pal Jake talked me into checking out the new Slimelord record! Sometimes, life really is just a chain of dominoes, waiting to fall…
A veritable deluge of music befell the arid soil of our ever-inquisitive ears, and it seemed like every genre hit a high point in 2024. From death metal having an absolute peak year thanks to Job for a Cowboy, Slimelord, Defacement, Ulcerate, Siderean, and many other amazing bands (special shout-out to 20 Buck Spin for absolutely killing it all year) over bands like Alcest hitting their stride once more to so, so many wonderful little surprises – I’m mainly thinking of records by Mustafa or ÆRKENBRAND – 2024 has been a massive release year across the board. This has, in turn, made it a great year to be a music journalist as well. Speaking of: this feature was born in 2024 as well!
So yes, 2024 had its devastating moments, and a lot of the issues that plagued us this year will likely follow us far into the future. But these looming shadows shouldn’t take away from what really matters: the people around us, the love we share, and all the amazing culture that’s happening around us at all times. As long as we stand together and keep up the good fight, these storms too will fail to uproot our spirits. Let’s all try to make a positive impact wherever we can, and to appreciate the good things we find along the way. Here’s to a 2025 where I hope we all find joy, success, and love in our lives, no matter our faith, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. The future is in our hands – we just have to shape it into a place worth fighting for.
Happy new year, dear EIN readership – we’ll keep bringing you the music you’re craving!