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Started as a one-man project by Fabien de Menou, Perilymph evolved into a full band  over the last years. After doing everything (except for the drums) by himself on I, de Menou started to work on the album Deux together with drummer Fabian Sliwka. The Berlin-based band just released a new video for their track “Le Voyage Atomique I”, showing some psychedelic footage that really fits the instrumentals. The song is part of their current album Deux, which was released via Six Tonnes de Chair earlier this year.

Described as a ‘hallucinogenic trip‘ and an ‘awaken post-apocalyptique dream‘, “Le Voyage Atomique I” shows colorful footage of nature, life, and people. This video is actually the very first part of a triptych, the other two parts of which are going to be released in the near future.

“Le Voyage Atomique I” starts with a very jazzy vibe, cymbal-driven drumming, and mesmerizing synthesizers that seem to be stepping out of an ambiance. A bass pulse builds up in the background, until the psychey and hypnotizing guitar melody comes in. There is a sound of flowing water in the background that works with different layers, creating an even more captivating atmosphere while the instrumental takes its time to build up.

With a sudden change of drum beats the song speeds up, while the guitars remain in their proper meter. The instrumental of “Le Voyage Atomique I” stays interesting, always unforseeable thanks to the many twists. Overall, the track stands out with a very detailed production and its exhilarating vibe. I would recommend listening to it straight after waking up, as it sounds like the start of an adventure, one that is to be continued on the upcoming two parts.

The band will be on tour in November as well:

12.11.19 – DE – Dortmund, FZW – Indie Night
13.11.19 – DE – Leipzig, Ilses Erika w/ Khana Bierbood
16.11.19 – DE – Berlin, Synästhesie Festival
19.11.19 – DE – Würzburg, Denckler Kino
21.11.19 – DE – München, Import Export
22.11.19 – DE – Stuttgart, Merlin w/ Blind Butcher
23.11.19 – DE – Kusel, Schalander
30.11.19 – DE – Düsseldorf, R25

Make sure to support Perilymph by either following them on their socials (Facebook), or by checking out their latest album Deux – released on April 26 – on their label’s Bandcamp.

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