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As you may have noticed, we have reported on multi-instrumentalist Nick Kruegerlot this year at Everything Is Noise. We have really come to adore him in a very short period of time due to the impressive swath of music has provided for us, starting in February with Beneath the Shadow It Casts from his project The Chemical Mind. Our staff was in a frenzy, and he has kept us well-fed: his delightful take on black metal was followed a mere month later by The Firing Effect, a surreal electronic noise album that was incredibly unique.

This month saw the release of Division of The Plane, Volume I, an ambient, more chilled-out take on electronica. We loved that album as well, and even had the privilege of premiering it. Now we have been given Volume II of this wonderful project ahead of its release on May 3.

I’m not quite sure how Nick Krueger does it. Most artists would falter if they tried to release music in such rapid succession, especially across such diverse genres. And yet, Division of The Plane, Volume II is just as fresh as its merely month-old counterpart, not seeming to be suffering from any perceivable lack of creativity or direction. It continues the trend of warm, ambient electronics, driving charming melodies with rich bass and smooth percussion. It’s mesmerizing and incredibly welcome, as we march deeper into Spring and my heart yearns for more upbeat music.

Division of The Plane, Volume II is available to pre-order currently, and releases on May 3; be sure to pick up Volume I while you visit the page if you haven’t already. We will have plenty more coming from Nick Krueger as he continues to dominate 2019, so be on the lookout for his name in the future. Make sure to follow him on his Facebook and Instagram for updates as well!

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