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Norwegian genre-surfers In The Woods… have released a grandiose brand new album, and we at Everything Is Noise are honored to have the exclusive premiere. Cease The Day is the follow-up to the band’s 2016 record Pure, and is an epic spectacle of doomy, progressive, technical death metal. Fans will be pleased to hear that In The Woods… have not skimped on content with this latest offering. It’s a full-bodied piece of work with more than a few highlights. So get ready for a ride of feature-length proportions.

Cease The Day contains eight tracks made from the finest broths of raw and melodic. The heavy guitar parts have a real black metal kick, but offer up an acutely balanced juxtaposition in the clean parts; the tempo fearlessly meanders between doom and thrash and all the in-betweens of dark heavy metal, whilst maintaining emotional consistency within each song. This is a record that takes you on a narrative escapade, and the chapters of its construct are comprised of different musical influences which In The Woods… have masterfully engineered to make their own.

Extra components also worth mentioning are the varied keyboard sounds (which greatly assist in bulking out the musical content), but also the brilliant vocals from mutli-instrumentalist James Fogarty. His blend of death metal screams and clean vocals enhance the music in the best possible way. The clean register of his voice in particular is highly distinct, and serves up a potent level of somberness to Cease The Day‘s already intense emotional soundscapes.

From the epic prog metal opening of “Empty Streets” to the bittersweet piano epilogue of its title track, Cease The Day is a clear work of assiduous devotion, and earns the band every morsel of recognition that comes their way thereafter. Their wondrous talents for brooding composition should not be overlooked, so give this album a whirl or miss out!

You can hear more from In The Woods on the band’s Spotify and Bandcamp page. For news and all other info, visit their Facebook profile.

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