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Fetherstone has set out on an ambitious journey with her Unspoken Stories project. The artist is setting out to collaborate with musicians and artists around the world to interpret the stories of strangers. Together, they will use their different musical mediums to bring life to these stories, before she travels once more to play the resulting arrangements in the cities the stories came from. It’s a very cool project if you ask me, and what better way to support this journey than by premiering an equally ambitious song?

“Ticket To You” is a beautiful track, telling the story of a nine year-old girl’s visit to the Jimi Hendrix museum and her reflection on being in his room and how it made her feel. Fetherstone used the girl’s original words and worked them into the lyrics of the song. As for the sound of “Ticket To You”, it is hard to compare to any other artist. It has a very poppy vocal performance and instrumentation to it, but also incorporates jazz and electronic music into it. There is even a spot near the end with a wah-wah and bass guitar duo that borders on psychedelic rock.

Fetherstone is approaching her Unspoken Stories project in a way I’ve never seen executed before. I love how she strives to bring so many mediums of art together to create a unique way to tell a story. The launch show for the project and “Ticket To You” is set to take place December 3 in Camden, and ‘will explore storytelling through a live vocal painting, a Nashville style songwriter round, an exhibition of Lee Kay-Barry oil on canvas paintings and a set from Fetherstone to close the night.‘ If interested, you can find tickets to that and information on the project in general at Fetherstone‘s official website. Streams of “Ticket To You” are available on Bandcamp and Soundcloud, and Youtube.

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