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Kansas City’s Dejecter have been variously described as death metal and sludge metal. You’ll find elements of both and more on Oblation Husk, their forthcoming third EP, which will be released on January 31st. Their previous two EPs, 2023’s Human(v)oid and last year’s Majesty Artificial, are also firmly in the death metal zone, with elements of technical, progressive, math, and even doom making appearances throughout their work. By not committing to a single focus, Dejecter keeps every song and every release interesting and engaging. Today we premiere the third track from Oblation Husk “And Dissonance”.

As the title suggests, there is a lot of dissonance here, especially towards the middle and back end of the track. The front end is pure nasty death metal with plenty of riffage and blastbeats to chew on. Towards the middle of the track, after an extended drum driven section, things start to slow down a bit. The guitar passages start to wander and really accentuate certain notes while the drums take a back seat. All the while the raw death growls continue. As “And Dissonance” marches towards its end, the blastbeats return. Guitars are cranked out against cymbal hits. There’s a little noise sample and an absolutely filthy breakdown at the finish line. Sludgy dissonance maybe? In any case it is a killer track.

‘The four songs ebb, flow, and weave a tonal tapestry that’s simultaneously imaginative and gripping, taking the listener to unknown trails while making sure no one makes it out unscathed.’ In describing the full journey of Oblation Husk, as much as the intense soundscapes and skull-laden imagery, it’s the fluidity of a river and quest like motifs that I latched onto. Dejecter are here to take you on a journey within a single track and over the course of their new EP. Sometimes down familiar paths and other times with unexpected and surprising results. As much as I love straight up brutal slamming death metal, I find the kind of twists and turns that Dejecter have to offer very refreshing.

Be sure to check out the full EP when Oblation Husk drops on January 31st.
Follow Dejecter on Bandcamp, Facebook, and Instagram.

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